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I slept all night in the fetal position alone and vulnerable. In the morning, I woke up the sun shining through the curtain less window. Stiff and sore, I automatically staggered out to the kitchen to make coffee. Of course, the kitchen was as empty as the rest of the house, even the stove and refrigerator were gone. There on the kitchen counter I saw the note, it was in an envelope only marked with my name. ‘Gregory, as I’m sure you know by now I’m leaving you. This is your fault as I told you if you went gallivanting off again I wouldn’t be here when you got back. For the time being, I’ve moved in with Lance but don’t bother trying to reach me, as I won’t talk to you. I want you to know if you cared half as much for me as you did that stupid job of yours I’d probably still there here with you. Lance is right when he said that you don’t love me and you wouldn’t care if I left or stayed. When I’ve calmed down some I’ll call you and we can talk, but believe me nothing will change. He surmised that the feeling on the street was that circumstances would get worse before they got better.At the entrance to Family Khan, Benni approached slowly with his preferred tab in clear view. A quick glance at Doyan showed that she had a vendor tab like he used to have before his last business deal. The guards spoke to someone on the other side of the door and they waited a moment. A family member came out, gave them a careful scan, and finally pronounced "safe-be."They walked together into the outer streets of the Khan Enclave. Their escort halted, waiting for an explanation of their business. The residents of the street did not swirl about as they normally did when Benni cut through these streets, usually on his way to Flager's. Something was afoot and it seemed the family members had been warned to stay close to their own doorways."Safe-be," Benni declared and asked if his runner had arrived. With the Khan woman's confirmation, Benni asked for a formal parley with Elder.
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